Cels Forum

Re: To Mr. Stettler&other serious collectors-how much do you spend? (Mon Dec 20 10:21:07 1999 )
Yann Stettler

I never checked how much I spend for my own cels
in a month (ok, I perhaps prefer not to think to it :)
but between $1000 and $3000 I would say. I don't
think that I ever manage to go bellow...

How I afford them ? Well, I am not married... -laugh-
No, seriously, I had a good job (it's more tricky now
as I work for myself) and I resell a lot of cels.
It's not uncommon that I buy a set of cels in Japan,
keep the best one and resell the others to pay the
one I keep...

Yes, the website is very expensive and even more the
backbone leased line connection I have here. (Prices
for such lines are around 10 times higher than in USA).
But I am hosting other companies website as well as
providing leased line connections to others.

The adv banners on some part of Animanga help cover
the expenses for the site. But that's because we
have a lot of hits : During the last 30 days, we
displayed around 470'000 banners and we got more
than 3 millions hits on the main part of Animanga.
(That must be 5 to 6 millions hits with other anime
webpages hosted on the server).

Main server total traffic for the last 10 days : 13GB
Number of hits for last 10 days : 1.5 millions
Connections rate : 2 new connections per seconds.

Yann Stettler

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