Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Ahhhhh not again >_< (Tue Dec 28 17:30:55 1999
) Zoisite |
Oh, another collector with (selective) bad luck! I'm always to the minute on updates that have to do with cels I don't collect (Dragon Ball, Utena etc) but _always_ fourty-five minutes to an hour after updates of stuff I do collect (like when they update with Arslan Senki cels, or decent GW ones). The worst part is that when I do make it about an hour after the update, it's not too late as to lose hope completely, but in the end someone always snagged the cels before me. :( As to being on top of updates, working as a web developper and being chained to one's PC helps a great deal. Zoi -still looking for a Heero cel- |
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