Cels Forum

Re: Can't we all just get along? (^_^;) (Thu Dec 30 12:37:22 1999 )
~none yet~

Me too!!!  I haven't been collecting for long or anything but people have mostly been very nice and all.  I'm not quite sure what you mean by people who think "have a right to EVERY cool cel" and are nasty tho, I've never seen anyone demand one, 
but I don't have a gallery...yet!!! I gotta get someone to teach me how to do this webpage thing,
maybe my editors just sucks.  Most gallerys say they have trouble with people asking for cels (part of the reason I never ask any more, the other cuz no one ever responds!!!!)
So I guess they could have this problem.  What brought it up tho?  Were people demanding from you?  
Me confuzzed by your "next subject" :)  what-who are you talking about?

Now I'm gonna go back to moping because Miki-sama is so expenisve and my lovely boys of clamp ain't cheap either.


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