Cels Forum

Re: Wow, you're very organized! (Fri Dec 31 00:44:27 1999 )

I'm motivated because it's less wear on my cels ^_^.  I'm 
usually far from very organized myself (probably not as
disorganized as some of the prof's whose offices I ransacked
for variacs for my Xmas baking...).

The spread sheet idea was suggested to me a couple years back
by another collector.  While I don't care enough to keep a
record of which non-matching pencil goes with what (if it's
not from the same series or it's totally unrecognizable).  I
usually keep track of things like what I paid, who I got it
for, how many layers it is, if it comes with pencils (matching
or non-matching), if it is a key cel, notes about the 
background and/or forground.  I'm trying to keep episode 
number listed too, but I hate adding another column, too much
scrolling to the side (as I'm also keeping weird statistics, 
like how much of my collection is a certain series and what 
percentage of cels were bought for the male character...I 
should also do a price-weighted percentage of my collection
by series...)  I find that often this way, I can answer my
questions about details of the cel just by looking at the
spread sheet, so I don't have to handle the cel too much. 

Thanks for the offer on the pencil sketch.  I think I can
just go on imagining, I wouldn't want you to go through all
that trouble just for some floating handcuffs ^_^. 


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