Cels Forum

Re: Removing stuck drawings (Fri Dec 31 11:24:29 1999 )
under renovations =)

well - hopefully not *extreme* cold, because that could
possibly crack the cel paint, however just from the varying
temperatures in my house I think the cold does help a 
little (but this is in my experience with cels layers stuck
together). In the summer, when my house (live in cali) is
around 70-90s, ive gotten new cels that had stuck layers -
gave a little tug 2 see if they would come apart, and gave
up. However, right now, my house (w/o heater) is around
40-60s, and a couple weeks ago, i pulled out my stuck cels,
and the layers came off like they were never stuck before.
Maybe a light touch of cold could help with a sketch *shrug*

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