Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: anyone heard from Mangaya lately? (Thu Jan 6 06:18:16 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


I saw the Lime cel you're talking about. . . It is great!

You're not the only one waiting. I'm at two and a half
weeks and counting in my wait for one of the Miyu cels. But
I didn't notice they had two addresses, so I'm going to try
asking for a status report at the other one. It's remotely
possible they don't reply to e-mail often because they need
to get someone else to translate the messages, or because
they read English very slowly. (*shrug*)

I figure, I don't immediately have money to frame the thing
yet. . . So what hurry am I really in? ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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