Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Pricing (Thu May 18 17:23:33 2000 )

First of all, my response was to Beth, with whom I've discussed Shamanic Princess before.  Secondly, I was JOKING!
I thought that was obvious, and I'm sorry if it wasn't - 
obviously I can't tell Beth, or anyone else, that "I was 
there first" and expect them to take it seriously!  This is
somewhat of a competetive hobby, and I respect that.  Also, 
I have posted before, to her and seperately, that I have 
been looking for Japoro cels - many people mention the cels 
they are looking for!

As for mentioning the prices of cels, I'm sorry, but I don't
see your point.  First, I was not aware I had done so as 
often as you imply.  Secondly, I was not aware that 
discussing cel prices was taboo - it seems that this is 
done often, either in discussing our most expensive cels, or
in trying to get an idea on how much certain cels go for. 
Next, I don't see what you are trying to get across by 
saying you collect Lodoss cels (yes, I know they are more 
expensive) or that you have been collecting Shamanic 
Princess cels longer than I have (I know that I'm not the 
first to do so).  

Finally, I don't understand how I have been disrespectful.
Some people can afford more for cels than others - I thought
that was accepted.  I love Lodoss War, but I can't afford 
the cels - yet I'm not offended when someone shows off a 
great cel they just got, or mention how much they paid - we
all have to pay something for every cel afterall.

This just does not seem to be my week for making people 
happy.  If you're upset by my posts, I'm sorry, but please
explain where I've gone wrong, in my original posts, or in
my response to yours.


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