Cels Forum

A correction and an answer. (Thu May 11 17:26:40 2000 )



      First off, I don't know why I did it, but I
put .com at the end of my e-mail address in my first
post when it should have been .net. The e-mail address
above is correct.

      Second, sorry Atiya that is the price(1450yen)I paid 
for the cel. I tend to leave the cels the way I bought
them. With the yen rate at the time I bought that cel
my actual cost was between $10-$12 US.  

      Lastly, sorry to anyone who may have tried to contact
me with the wrong e-mail address. (Must reread my messages
before posting. Must reread my messages before posting. 
Must reread .... repeated a 100 times.) ~_^

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