Cels Forum

Beginning of big sell-off 10 percent off cels for sale! (Tue Jan 18 19:12:19 2000 )

Feel like shopping?
Well, I apparently did this weekend and now I have to pay the 
piper. Er, well, the credit cards, actually. This is your chance 
if you've seen something on my webpage you really wanted, now is 
THE time to make an offer. Every serious offer considered!
Also, for TODAY ONLY, if you order cels from any of the 
'for sale' pages, you can take ten percent off your order 
or receive free shipping, whichever is greater. The reason 
it is today only is that I am going to be putting any cels 
remaining on eBay to clear them out. They've been there for 
months and it's time they were gone!
And if that blatant advertising didn't turn you off completely, 
check out my page. ^_^ There are several updates, with much 
more to come. Especially check out the pencils section. ^_^

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