Cels Forum

Re: Re: Insurance. Not to be confused with shipping insurance (Mon Jan 24 21:10:51 2000 )

- cel... gets destroyed through accident years later

I shudder at the thought... literally...

On the off side the mere though of trying to find
replacements to some of the cels in my collection... is
pretty gut wrenching...  I consider myself very lucky
to own them in the first place... but to have to replace

On the bright side there is a way to protect them against
various "natural disasters" by placing your cels in
fireproof "safes"... cels have the virtue of being (for the
most part) small and most people just leave them in books
anyways... the larger cels of course wouldn't fit (unless
you had a really big and expensive safe)...

here's a company that makes quite a few...

remember though you have to get something big enough to
accommadate the cel books so you're looking at at least
around 300  dollars...

just a thought...

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