Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Thank you all, I shan't darken your door again (Fri Jan 28 23:37:22 2000
) A very much humbled Jennifer A. Wand |
I just saw that the cel has gone back up on Anime-Taro's site. I can only take this to assume that I've been released from my obligation. I thank the powers that be at Anime Taro for their mercy, you all for your advice, and Sarjalim-sama for being a goddess of mercy and second chances. I'm sure I'll be reincarnated as a rock, but at least I'll enjoy Katsucon a bit more in this life... I'm sorry for causing a scene, and I will be withdrawing from active collecting for a little while, and from this forum for a long while. I apologize to everyone for taking up your time and attention. Go back to what you were doing now, and I'll see you when I've grown up some more. Sincerely, Jennifer A. Wand |
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