Cels Forum

Thank you all, I shan't darken your door again (Fri Jan 28 23:37:22 2000 )
A very much humbled Jennifer A. Wand

I just saw that the cel has gone back up on Anime-Taro's
site.  I can only take this to assume that I've been
released from my obligation.  I thank the powers that
be at Anime Taro for their mercy, you all for your
advice, and Sarjalim-sama for being a goddess of
mercy and second chances.  I'm sure I'll be reincarnated
as a rock, but at least I'll enjoy Katsucon a bit more
in this life...

I'm sorry for causing a scene, and I will be withdrawing
from active collecting for a little while, and from this
forum for a long while.  I apologize to everyone for
taking up your time and attention.  Go back to what you
were doing now, and I'll see you when I've grown up some


Jennifer A. Wand

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