Cels Forum

Re: Animazement 2000, doing a fanime thing there (Sat Jan 29 02:10:44 2000 )


Well, I am planning to drive up, and along with my costumes
I will be bringing several Fushigi Yuugi, a City Hunter and added just 
today also couple of Utena cels(Utena creator Chiho Saito is now
confirmed for AZ). 

I have been a cel collector for @ 2.5 years, and I would
be willing to help out any way I can as long as panel/meeting
not scheduled against Yuu Watase, Chiho Saito or cosplay.

Last year, the fanrun Fushigi Yuugi panel was run Sunday
morning(w a surprise guest appearance of Yuu Watase); but
Sunday probably not convenient for some people.


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