Cels Forum

Re: Re: Animazement 2000. Anyone want to try and do an east coast fanime (Wed Jan 26 22:07:07 2000 )


The info was posted on the news group about week and 1/2 ago.
I suggest doing a search of the data base to get more fan based
info or you check out there home page at: http://www.animazement.org/.

They just posted up a new major guest and if you like male japanese
voice actors, Akira Kamiya is probably on your list as someone
you have heard many times. Two more english voice actors have also
joined the list of people that will be there. The other two majors
guest that have already agread to come are:  Kia Asamiya 
(creator of Compliler, Assembler, Silent Mobius, Nadesico)
and Yuu Watase (creator of Fushigi Yuigi).

Location wise: Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina
Time: March 10-12


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