Cels Forum

THE IMPOSSIBLE REUNION! (Wed Feb 2 21:15:17 2000 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Forum,

Hi, I just wanted to tell everyone about the strangest and
most bizarre things that has ever happened to me!  I had
asked a dealer for some copies of some anime cels they had,
and guess what I found in the pile of copies?!  I found a
pencil sketch that EXACTLY matched (including the cel
markings!) one of my own cels which had come without its
pencil sketch!  I was ecstatic when I found out, and I
immediately bought it!  Hopefully, it will be winging its
way to me soon!  Just to make things clear, I KNOW this
dealer and the dealer whom I bought the cel from DID NOT
SEPARATE the pair (both live on opposite sides of the
country, plus I had bought the cel a long while back).  I
figured the pair got separated a long while back in Japan.
I'm just thrilled to make the impossible reunion happen!
What are the odds?  Maybe I can win the lottery next, or
get onto Regis' show! 8)



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