Cels Forum

New Cel - Fushigi Yuugi (Tue Feb 1 03:30:04 2000 )

I know most've probably already seen it at Nancy's, but I 
had to post here anyways because I'm so overly happy
and thrilled to have finally found a cel like this! For
months I've searched for a cel of evil Tamahome, and
this was just the most perfect one I've found. ^^ I
plan on having it framed in a couple weeks, I can't
wait to have it hanging on my walls to stare at all
day. :D

It's a wonderful feeling, to have my most wanted cel
off my wishlist, I can safely say now that if I never
get another cel I wouldn't mind, for this makes my
collection quite complete (minus an Amiboshi or Suboshi
cel, a sketch will have to do for now on that part).
Anyways! Just wanted to share my enthusiasm. This'll
prolly be my last cel for a long while, hence my job
may be relieving me in a couple weeks. ;.; Ara, it was
fun though! Take care, minna-san! and arigatou ne,
Nancy! and thanks also Aion, I appreciate all your
help. ja. ^^
Evil Tamahome, episode 20

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