Cels Forum

WTB Last Unicorn cels (Tue Feb 1 00:35:39 2000 )
Ashley Harris


I have been desperately searching for Last Unicorn memorabilia and I was ecstatic when I found this web page! Now, I can post and hopefully someone who has them can e-mail me.  I am very interested in purchasing a few cels if you are willing to sell them.  I would greatly appreciate your help with my quest for these items.  Please let me know what you can do with regards to pricing for the cels.  I am a 21-year old college student so money is hard to come by, but these cels mean so much to me and I would treasure them always.  Thank you for your time and cooperation.  I hope to hear from you soon as I will be anxiously awaiting your response.
												Denise (LoveBug381@aol.com)

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