Cels Forum

Re: Re: FS: Many celsand a question (Wed Feb 9 00:32:17 2000 )


I was really suprised! Most of the time if I see some 
BA cels they are overpriced or just plain bad. I managed
to hit the site right after the update and found 5 cels
that I "had to have." I didn't have the cash so I cut it
down to four but still, great prices on these cels Yann!

I am sure I was one of the first to hit the site after the
update and there is a certain kind of elation kind of like
a "hand in the cookie jar" feeling when you get to have to 
have the first pic of the cels. I RUSHED though all of the
cels twice before sending off my order and I thought that
I had gotten all of the best ones. Once I found out that
I did infact get all of the cels I requested I went back
to the site and looked at them all again.

What!!?? on second look there were about five AWESOME cels 
that I missed!! Hmmm am I the only one that this happens to?
I wonder how I can rush through them all and get 5 cels 
that I like and somehow miss 5 cels that are as good as
and BETTER than the ones that I ordered. Hmmm.

Oh well just wondering if I am the only one that does that.
Maybe I need better "training" on what makes a great cel.
That is another subject matter altogether because some
of these cels that I see bought for hundreds of dollars
and everyone oooohhhs and ahhhhhs over I look at and think
are pretty bad.

Well back to work

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