Cels Forum

Re: Nostalgia Attack! Does anyone remember - (Sun May 14 00:22:36 2000 )

>"Belle and Sebastien" and "The Little Prince" ??

*sigh* Oh, the blissfull years when a nap was a mandatory
part of one's day! 

Yes I remember those shows and I loved them.
Which makes me think of Sans Famille, which played on TV 
around the same period. We don't get sappy melodramatic
shows like that anymore!

(I still remember the themes songs to this day, in French
only though!)

I have never seen cels from any of them, and honestly I'd
rather never see any of Belle and Sebastien as I am sure
I would be as disappointed as when I saw my childhood 
hero 18 years later!

(Yes, Capitaine Flamme looks really crummy to me now)


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