Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Ever feel like it's time to stop collecting? A disheartened collector...... (Thu Feb 17 06:13:00 2000 )

Hi -

Probably no one is going to read this because the message
thread is on page two, and people only tend to read page one
of the forum :-).

But speaking as someone who has missed a mess of updates,
I can only share my cel collecting mantra: There Will Always
Be Another Cel. (It's actually good for collecting just about

Of all the cels I've missed out on, all the thousands of 
them, there are precisely four that I remember and regret.
Four out of thousands. That's really not much in the long
term. I don't know about anyone else, but I can live with

I miss many of the updates because they happen when I'm 
sleeping. Sure, I could rearrange my whole schedule to be
awake at those times, and I even thought about doing it. Then
I looked at myself and wondered when I'd lost my mind. Cel
collecting is a hobby that has to fit into my life, not vice

As for spending money, two of my favorite cels cost me $7.50
and $15.00. (The $15.00 one included the background.) They
weren't private finds - they were out there in public. You
don't have to bankrupt yourself to find nice cels. (Although
it helps. :-)

I think Drac had it right: when you're not enjoying yourself
anymore, it's time to move on. Hobbies are supposed to be 
something that you do for fun. If it's not fun, why bother?


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