Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop cel for sale (Wed May 17 20:53:04 2000 )


Most people frown upon the purchase of a cel for the 
sole purpose of selling it on Ebay. I understand because
The only real "value" of a cel is that the Fans of that 
series want to have a piece of the show. By buying that
cel and selling it to the highest bidder some people feel
that you have done a dis service to the cel collecting
community by not allowing someone who really wants that cel
to be able to purchase it at the original price.

I myself used to do this but I have changed and I would 
not do it again. I almost never buy a cel
from Ebay becasue most of the time the prices get crazy
high but I have bought once or twice before.

The problem is that I believe in Capitalism to it's fullest
and if you get the chance to make money and you can live
with it then go for it. More money spent means someone else
has more money to spend on something else and the economy

I really wish that people that wanted to state thier minds
would at least post thier names. I think that shooting off
an anon post is rude.. but that is just what I think and
this has been discussed to death.

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