Cels Forum

Re: More (Thu Mar 2 05:03:30 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles`


I think what you're missing is that people are trying to
tell you there is no good place to order cels wholesale.
Basically, unless you know someone at a studio who can give
you an in, my guess is that you cannot get cels "wholesale"
by mail. The one place that does offer them - Anime World
Star - you will already know about from previous posts.

You seem convinced that everyone is hiding something from
you, but we're not. Frankly, if there were a good place to
get cels wholesale, *all* of us would be going there.

Your best bet at this point, if you're dying to get
wholesale cels through the mail, is to contact other
dealers and ask about wholesale purchases - but I warn you,
you'll be searching a long time because most dealers
won't offer wholesale "discounts". They worked hard to find
the cels they have found and want to offer them (especially
the higher calibur ones) to their own clientelle, not
another dealer who will take buyers (not to mention the
financial profit for the cel) away from them.

Last of all, as was said before my message, if you really
want to get into selling cels in the US, the way to do it
is to go to Japan and start to form your own contacts with
people there. If you do anything else, you're doing nothing
more than taking away from what US cel collectors can
already purchase themselves, without you in the way. You'll
find that the people on this forum, at least, are not
appreciative of that. (Please, everyone, I'm only stating
this as a fact. . . Don't use this statement as a reason to
restart this very old flamewar!)

On a positive note. . . If you do go to the only wholesale
seller we know of (yes, Anime World Star - but I don't
recommend them after what I've learned) I would still be
interested to see what's in that box of Miyu cels and might
be a potential customer. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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