Cels Forum

Re: Eat Man cels wanted (Fri Mar 10 07:21:06 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Wow!!! There's another Eatman fan out there?!? HI!! ^_^

I've been looking for cels from the original series as
well, but none seem to be around. There are a couple over
at Anime Galaxy, but they're not backgrounded and when I
asked him about more original series Eatman, he said he
hasn't seen *any* Eatman cels coming out of Japan for a
while now.

I do know where the ones marked as "sold" at Mangaya went
to, but if that person wants to speak up, I'll let them do
so without my help. Mangaya, as well, says they have seen no more Eatman. (*pout*)

Who knows. . . Maybe Jim Lee bought them all. (*laugh*)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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