Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Thank you all (^_^) (Fri Mar 10 09:16:45 2000
) ISL |
Thanks everyone for checking it out and everyone's compliments about the gallery (^_^) I got it online, yes. Thanks, Bill!!! (^_^) You guys don't know how long I've been wanting for a Team Rocket cel to show up. I've seen several nice Pokemon cels around, but I kept telling myself to wait for Team Rocket's. Anyways, it was worth every single penny of it! I'm so so so happy (T_T) <---tears of joy!>> >Hey, Drac of the Sharp Smiles, please don't become a "more of a" Pokemon fan! (^_-) I'd be very afraid! To all who're going to Animazement, have a wonderful time! ISL ` |
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