Cels Forum

Re: Cel restoration(Check this out^_^).... (Sat Mar 18 01:15:09 2000 )
Ms. Poe


Ok here it is~
The paint you need to use to restore your cels is called
Vinyl Acrylic Copolymer.  It's the actual kind of paint 
artists use when painting the cels.  It dries faster than
regular acrylics & spreads out better.  And as said in the 
previous message it's vital that you use distilled water
b/c of the minerals in the water will cause dulling over 
time.  Just goes to show that being patient & doing some
research pays off in the end^_^.  Hope this helps everyone!
Oh, btw~everyone's best bet for finding these paints is to 
go to the specialty art stores in the area, not yor every-day
run-of-the-mill art store<_>.
                 Thanx for everyone's help~Sarah(Ms. Poe)  

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