Cels Forum

Only a 30 year payment plan. (Tue Mar 28 19:28:36 2000 )


Hi, Wendy,

   While the likelyhood of me letting go of my Totoro
cel any time soon is very slim, I am not teasing when
I say you are the person I would offer it to first. 
However, I am postive that you would be the only person
who would recieve an offer because I don't for see you
not getting it. 

   Next, to answer your questions. The four characters
are Nene, Priss, Sylia, and Linna the four Knight Sabers
from Bubblegum Crisis. I collect from both the OVAs and
the TV series. Although, the characters I have the most
cels of are Grandis (20 ) from Nadia, Karoi (near 30)
from City Hunter, and Nene (near 20) from Bubblegum. 
(With over a dozen of them from the OVAs.) 

   Unfornately, I do not have a website. I have been 
trying to get all my cels and pencilboards scanned and
getting a site up. However, my job has been crazy since
November and still has not let up. I was hoping to have
had a site up last month but now my goal is by June.
When I do get a site up I will post here and let everyone
know. Then you can feel free to write all the nasty
things you like in my guestbook. 

   I did not realize just how long it was going to take
to scan in over 550 cels and 100 pencilboards. Whew..
Also, I am going to have where do all the collectors live?
page on my site where I'll list by state and country all
the responses I recieved from my post on the forum earlier
in the year.

Take it easy Wendy,
Catch you later,


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