Cels Forum

Re: Wish List - I really - really want (Fri Apr 14 00:22:40 2000 )

It's nice to see other Jury fans out there, even though it
means more competition.  Unfortunately, I have _never_ seen a 
really perfect eyes open, mouth closed portrait style cel of 
Jury, either TV or movie.  I wish I had!  I would go so far 
as to say that I  would not only pay a fair price for one, 
I'd probably pay a somewhat unfair price as well.  :-)

I have actually only ever seen two or three "very nice" cels
of Jury (a bit more pulled-back or otherwise less than 
perfect), and those were bought by collectors who I don't
think are going to ever let them go.  (Though, if anyone _is_
ever selling a decent Jury cel, I'd be happy to make a good 


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