Cels Forum

Re: Expo questions (Fri Apr 21 20:42:13 2000 )

Anime Expo '99 was my very first convention, hopefully when
I go this year there I will be much more calm, cool, and 
collected than last year (when I was literally scaring the

As far as any cels go, it is kill or be killed. Buy what you
want as soon as you see it or it will be gone. I showed up at 
the cel collector's meeting to find someone else had snagged
the amazing Bandit Yamucha and Puaru with matching background 
(which was only $60 with another cel!) so yeah... also, I went 
there with my best friend, and we were fighting like hell over 
everything. It's not pretty. I generally try to yield to the 
first-come-first-serve principle, but sometimes your emotions can
be overwhelming...-_-;; The larger cel dealers like Nichibei will
take checks and credit cards, some of the smaller dealers will take
checks but no credit cards. Use your judgement. Only the really
big dealers take any kind of credit card.


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