Cels Forum

Re: A story of separation ^^; (Thu Apr 27 18:47:09 2000 )

Hey Jey,

You did a really nice job! I don't think I'd be able to
attempt that feat without really *&(@# up my cel. I have
a cel that has all the layers mismatched and stuck
together and I am not brave enough to try to mess with it.
I once tried to remove a pencil sketch from a really
cheap (but very NICE) Reiha cel, but I managed to
mess that up. The pencil sketch was unsalvageable and
a bit of paint came off. (I used a "hairdryer technique I read about
somewhere.. I don't remember.. but I did it totally
WRONG! So don't try it folks unless you know HOW)

Sorry to ramble... I just had to let you know how impressed I was with your story. ^_^


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