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Re: Re: Nope. so What WOULD everyone pay that much for? (Wed Apr 26 23:26:15 2000
) valerie |
I would shell out $700 for the following (if I had it): * That amazing Cagliostro no Shiro cel that's on my wishlist page (even though it shouldn't be -_-) * A cel of Goemon from Cagliostro no Shiro * A cel of Lupin kissing Clarisse on the forehead at the end of Cagliostro * Any from the last episode of the second series (wait, I already have one! Well, I want a better one. -_-) * Any really really nice cel of Ishikawa Goemon, esp. from episode 108 of 2nd series (where he's really hot looking :P) * Lupin saluting Hitler in that movie Lupin VS. the Clones (does anyone really want to hear all of my Lupin wish cels? I didn't think so) * A cel of Touga from the scene where he's bandaged with no shirt and practicing with his bokken *drool* * Any good A-quality cel of Nausicaa * Any cel with both Quatre and Trowa together O_o * A cel where Trowa is smiling or laughing O_o;;; * Shogun Blue from the scene where he freaks out because Bulma is coming onto him * A cel of Nephrite dying * Hotohori stabbing Tamahome >:) or being close to Miaka I can't think of any more I'd pay that much for |
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