Cels Forum

Because you mentioned me, I thought I'd mention back. (Fri May 5 15:08:58 2000 )
Jennifer A. Wand


Christy, I'm really sorry to see what happened.

You mentioned that "someone else writes his e-mails"
and I just want to let you know that someone is me.  I'm
doing basic translation for Shigehara-san at the moment,
but I want to let you know that I do everything promptly
and that no job was sent to me about an e-mail regarding
this transaction.  I am going to double-check my e-mails
to see if there's any way I could have been responsible
for this problem.  I have nothing but respect for both
these dealers and I'm not even going to attempt to defend either of them.  But I just wanted to make my involvement
known to the extent that it seemed to concern you.

You can e-mail me if you want me to check and see if
an e-mail you received was one I translated or not.



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