Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: per cel price (Wed May 3 13:30:54 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


(*laughter*) Hey! The first movie for All Dogs Go to Heaven
was well worth watching! ^_^  Studios that animate children's
stuff here just don't ever want to admit that there is
NOWHERE TO GO with some ideas after the main movie is over.
(*shouts toward studios*) ^_-  Think they heard me? Think
it will keep them from beating more really good ideas into
the dirt in their attempt to create sequels? Nah, I didn't
think so. ~_~

As for the Ebay auction. . . I think that if I had all that
sitting in my itty-bitty apartment, I would *pay* someone
the bid price just to get rid of them. I can hardly stand
it when we get too many grocery bags stacked up behind the
fishtank. . . ^_^

But doesn't that picture give you some idea for what cel
dealers need to sort through?!?!? Think about it. . . The
sequel to All Dogs go to Heaven was most likely 90 minutes.
(Same as all other direct-to-video sequels.) Just taking a
series I know, Vampire Miyu TV ran for (*pulls out calculator*)
almost 600 minutes. . . @_@  So if we were talking all the
cels from Vampire Miyu TV. . . There would be over **SIX
AND A HALF TIMES** more cels than what is in the picture. 0_0

I think my brain is going to hemmorage just thinking about
trying to sort through something like that and match up
*anything* correctly. ^_^;

Many Sharp Smiles,

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