Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Mangaya is NUTS!!!!! (Thu May 18 19:02:00 2000 )


Wow - sounds like you should hope Mangaya know what they're
talking about!!  That would be a pretty nice life to have 
for just the effort of selling off some cels - though I 
would go for cabana boys rather than the russian wife! ^_^

As for my problem - I can understand CelMart being pissed 
off if I was slandering them (which I wasn't!!!!!!!!!), but 
it was someone from another company that told him about what
I wrote (although not correctly), and it was that other 
company which cancelled an order already in process! So you,
and many of us, may not care about Mangaya, but I hope they
don't have friends here!!


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