Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: current belldandy auction on ebay (Mon Oct 4 19:27:07 1999 )

>>I gather from that it's not one of those automated
subscription MLs... So what do you do? Send a polite e-mail asking to be put on the ML?<<

There is a link on cels.org. It is just a mailto: link so just send it. It has JOIN%0JACML in the subject line so
you can either use it or just send an email to usagishouse 
with JOIN%0JACML in the sub or just send the mailto: thingon cels.org I basically just said the same thing twice, didn't I? ^_^;;   
Oh well i hope i didn't confuse anyone. I am not great st
giveing instructions.

this is completly off the current topic, but i have a question of my ow
I really enjoy knowing who people are 
on the forum and looking at there sites it gives a real "community" feel to it. ^_^ Appaerently i haven't been
around long enough to know-
So i am just curious who Ranma's Cute Fiance' is. "She?" 
is a huge source of info on here and has answered many of
questions i have had. Can "she" plz tell me her url?

plz feel free to tell me i am too nosy and that this is none
of my buissness if you find this weird, but i am just curious. I don't see what is wrong with asking this.

Oh well I can live without knowing and it really isn't that 
important but i would just like to know. So plz email me a url if you don't mind.

His not so strangeness, I hope ^_^;;

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