Cels Forum

My thoughts on Vegita (Sat Oct 9 09:03:17 1999 )
Saiyan Wolf
I'll be posting that Sunday - needs revisions ^_^

Whoa.. I would not call Vegita "cute."
"Cute" would be Trunks, and yes.. he is
VERY cute.

Vegita is hard to define. He is (to me at
least) handsome - which is far different than
cute, sophisticated - he is a prince afterall,
and.. he is the bad guy. Lets face it. Most women
are attracted in one way or another to the bad
guys. We know they are bad for us, but WHO CARES?

Anyway... enough of my rambling. I could go on and
on about Veg, or Radditz for that matter. ^_^

Sheri / Saiyan Wolf

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