Cels Forum

Re: Prices on Ranma cels (Fri Oct 8 06:31:36 1999 )

nope, never gonna list that anywhere

The basic rules of cels do apply to Ranma. Even though 
there are a ton of these cels, its a very popular series, 
and has a nostalgia value, as it is some peoples intro to 
anime. The less the main character appears, the more 
expensive. Female? Expensive. Good personality, more money.
Cute:you gussed it-money. Animal form=money money. Very 
rough range from most to least: probably Shampoo as a cat
(300 ), Shampoo(200-300), Mosse as a duck(?), Ranma-chan
(120-300), Panda Genma(80 ), pchan(80 ), Ukyo or Nabiki(low 
100's), Moose(25-100), Akane(40-200:long hair more), Ryoga
(25-150), Ranma(50), Kuno(30), and the rest(40 or less). 
Overall, for as influential as the series is, and as cute 
as the characters are, the prices around are good. Still 
don't know why there a huge p-chan Ryoga gap though, screen
time is probably 50-50 for these two. 

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