Cels Forum

cels for sale; Esca and SF cels wanted (Thu May 28 07:26:41 1998 )
Carol Mak

Hello! Want some Esca cels, preferably Folken, and anybody from Street Fighter would do,
However, before I can purchase any cels, I was forced by my parents to sell some of the ones I have now. (been spending waaaayyyyy too much money on comics, and Playstation games)
Therefor, have resulted to selling three of my cels. (My only three cels)!
Have a DBZ Kurin cel with pencil sketch, background, and timing sheet.
An Esca cel of a headshot of Vargas with pencil sketch.
An Elementalors cel of somebody (never watched Elementalors before) with an unrelated pencil sketch.
Visit URL for more info. Prices are negotiable. 

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