Cels Forum

Re: Help! I need some information! (Sat Jun 6 13:00:33 1998 )

I just wanted to add my two cents worth... Jotaru gave you
somve very good advice (and much more concisely that I could
have managed - I'm a tad verbose).  I would just add - 
collect what you like.  Don't fall into the trap of buying
something just because it's from a popular show, or of a popular
character.  Tenchi is very popular, but it's not real high
on my list, so I don't buy cels from it - let the real fans
of the show have the cels.  Buying cels on speculation is
pretty risky with anime.  Unless it's something like Miyazaki,
the chances of it going up in value are not the greatest.
Anime shows seem to have a shelf life - once their popularity
dies down, so does the "value" of the cels from said show.  But
if you only collect what you love then the value of the cel
will never dwindle - and by not buying a cel that you didn't
really care about, just because you could, you a) save money to
spend on a cel you'd truly like and b) don't deprive someone
else of the chance to own a cel that they'd cherish.

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