Cels Forum

Wanted! Nuriko Cels & Stuff (Fri Jun 19 01:38:39 1998 )

Nuriko is one of my favorite Anime characters and I am 
looking mainly for a cel or two of him/her.  I’m not aware 
of any resin garage kits or dolls, but would love to have 
them too if they exsist and would appreciate anybody’s help
in locating these things.  I can’t really afford to pay 
much, so I am offering my Miaka and Yuui cels for trade.  
I also have for trade any gaming materials; ie. RPGs, 
War Games, Miniatures, Dice, etc. If there is anything else 
you might be looking for, I might be able to “dig it up”.
Just Make me an offer. 
Please email me at noriko@darkharbor.com if you can help. 
Thanks!      Noriko

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