Cels Forum

Re: EMS from Japan (Fri Jun 19 01:04:10 1998 )
Darla :)

>I was wondering how long it normally takes for something 
>sent EMS (express mail service?) from Japan to make it to 
>the East Coast of the U.S. 

It usually takes 4-5 days. If you know the package number 
then it can be tracked on the internet.  If your browser can
read Japanese then you can put the package number in the
square in the middle of the page at the following URL:


And hit the gray square on the bottom. That should give you 
a page telling you (in Japanese unfortunately) exactly where
the package is...ie, on an airplane to such and such a city 
or arrived at such and such a post office, etc. There is a 
picture of the package label and an
oval cut out shows you what the package number should look 

The US post office also has a web site where you can track
EMS mail if you have the package number. However, it only 
tells you if the package has been delivered or not. Here is
the URL for the US postal system EMS tracking page:

If I were you I would write to the person that has sent the
package and get the number from them  and see if you can
track it. You should have gotten it by now. I hope this was
some help.

Darla :)

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