Cels Forum

Bank Transfer Curiousity (Thu Jul 9 01:55:28 1998 )

I'm sorry if this is a waste of time, but I'm starting to get
curious about the bank transfers myself, just in case.  Here are
some more questions:

1)  Can you get a bank transfer from a bank that isn't yours by 
paying them (that way go to a bank that has lower fees...I heard
some were pretty bad)

2)  How long does it take for a bank transfer to go through...I take
it that it isn't automated and by computer enough to be 

3)  What if any times would it be good to do a transfer (i.e. the
dollar-yen trade isn't going on to mess up the amount for those who
can't convert immediately)?

4)  What kind of records are kept by banks about what happened 
with the bank transfer?

I hope the answers will also be helpful to other people (either
that or I feel really clueless)

Good Hunting,

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