Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Cels For Sale; Ryo-Ohki, Hyper Police, Macross 7 (Thu Sep 10 00:17:48 1998
) Noriko |
Now it's my turn to sell some of my cel collection so that I can buy, what else, but more cels! Please check out my web page at the address above for some great cels of Ryo-Ohki, Hyper Police and Macross 7. Some of the cels are at eBay auction, so you can click on the link if you'd like to bid. In future weeks I will be weeding out some more cels, so please keep checking back. I am always looking for Genma in Panda form cels and of course that special Nuriko cel that I will trade my Amiboshi cel for. Thanks! Noriko |
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