Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Rurouni Kenshin Cel for sale (Fri Oct 23 09:50:06 1998 )

     Why do we criticize people that try to sell cels at excessive 
prices?  Because we don't want to see the trend spread.  What often 
happens is one cel sells for a record amount, and then other dealers 
see this price, and start raising their prices too.  Why?  Because 
they think that if others can charge that much, then they can too.  
How would you like to have everything priced like cels from Fushigi 
Yuugi?  That's a case where it happened.  Some cels sold for a really 
high price, and soon everyone followed suit.  The same thing has 
happened to Disney Animation cels.  In several auctions, some people 
with too much money on their hands paid excessive prices for some 
animation cels.  What happened?  Cel dealers saw the record auction 
prices, and consequently raised there.  Now, Disney animation cels 
are extremely high, typically running in the thousands, definitely 
out of the range of any average person.  It basically turned a hobby 
into a business.  

     I don't want to see anime cels follow the same pattern.  Cels 
should be affordable, for everyone.  Kids should be able to purchase 
cels too, whether it be from Sailormoon, Dragonball, or something else.
Hobbies aren't just for adults with money.

[gomen nasai, the form wouldn't allow a long message (too big for database)]

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