Cels Forum

Question on Ah!My Goddess!! Cel's can anyone answer them? (Mon Oct 26 05:44:40 1998 )


Okay I wanna know why Oh My Goddess cel's are so rare? I mean the series doesnt stop with those five ova episodes we saw put out by Animego..I heard the series is on going. How come their isnt more cel's though from the series floating around? And what about Vampire Princess Miyu? I'm am very depserate to find one of Miyu or of Miyu and Larva together. That series is on going. Anyone out there think they can help me out? If anyone who is reading this and wouldnt mind saleing me a vampire princess miyu cel or oh my goddess cel of maybe belldandy or keiichi...please answer this then ^_^ Arigato.

Yann?How much are cels from Japan? My friends moving there and shes gonna send me some {After I send her the cashie washie =P} Just wondering =)


Oh!P.S.~If anyone has a cel of Luna like the one below email me if you wanna sale it. Im dieing to find a cel of Luna in human form!!

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