Cels Forum

eBay hostility? (Fri Oct 23 10:24:00 1998 )


Hey all,

Wow, this is like the Jerry Springer of the anime cel world.
Mind if I call 1 800 96 Jerry?  ^_^

It's almost like you can't say anything without anyone
getting offended.  C'mon people, chill.  Tempers are flaring
and that's no way to enjoy your hobby.  I've been reading
the posts on what's been happening and in my opinion (if 
anyone cares), all parties need a 'time out'  ^_^.  I really 
don't think that anything said should be taken personally, 
you don't even know each other (or do you?).  Besides,
I think people just got caught up in the heat of battle.  
Cool debate though.

Well, for some reason, I get the feeling i'm about to get 
some nasty letters or something.  *sigh*  C'mon, how about
a group hug?  (No bear hugs, please!)  :P

I've said my peace, I hope we (meaning the cels forum) 
can have another debate again without anyone getting 

Lin  :D

ps.  I sell cels on eBay for fun, to see how much I can get
for them.  Yes, in hopes of making money, even though it
usually doesn't happen that way.  I usually break even.  I
am jealous that some people are making loads of money
and not me, but that's just how the cookie crumbles.  For
me, cel collecting is a hobby, not a way of life.  If it's not 
fun, it's not worth doing.  Let's have some fun!

Anyone wanna trade cels?  ~_^
Have some Ryokos for trade!

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