Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Ranma Cels (Tue Nov 17 01:21:55 1998
) JR |
I would suggest looking at Usagi's House for new cel postings. There was a nice cel of Ranma-chan for $50 (Ranma-45f) recently. And, I would, of course, always watch Animagna for new cels. There have been many reasonably priced, nice cels in the past, Shampoo included. There is a $90 Shampoo at Anime Galaxy. I don't know how "nice" it is, but it is a cel of Shampoo. Of course, when it comes to Pandas, I think you'll have to talk to Noriko. Finally, as has been said here many times before, go look at Chad Kawakami's Internet Guide to Anime Cels at and cruise around. It's always a good place to start any search. |
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