Cels Forum

My Hitomi backgrounded cel on auction....here? (Sat Jan 2 00:53:46 1999 )

Hi people! 
I've been getting a lot of requests about my Hitomi
backgrounded cel -- go figure ^_^ But since I could always 
do with some extra cash to fund my cel collecting...I guess 
I'm saying this cel of Hitomi is up for grabs. It's one of 
my faves though...so I'll be taking offers on it. No 
guarantees that I'll sell it...but you're welcome to make 
offers. Just post it or e-mail it and I'll keep people 
updated about the status of the cel. To take a look of the 
cel, just visit the URL :)

Ooh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! even though I'm a little late in 
saying it ^^;;

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