Cels Forum

Re: Sorry!!! (Thu Feb 25 00:50:55 1999 )

   Mystery man's associate:

   Don't you guys fret! That's the ONLY one he 
has and ever bought, for now. I was the one who
introduce him into Lodoss. He loves anime, but
he havn't even seen Lodoss Wars yet! Busy guy.
I told him to get any good Lodoss cels when he
can. Cause after watching the anime, he'll want 
   Sorry I wasn't much help, but good luck in
your continue search for Lodoss cels! Cause
very, I mean VERY few people has them! From
what I've heard, there's only 4 main people
that hogs them all up! The character designer 
and the other execs of Mad House studios in Japan!
They are the ones that drew Lodoss, and they are 
some serious otakus! So, if any of you lucky ones
do get a hold on some of those cels, they're like
gold! Okies, off for now....

   P.S.  by the way, Larry...
   you have some very nice cels
   Deedlit!  =)
                                         --bai bai

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