Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Cels at E-bay (Tue Mar 2 21:23:56 1999
) Dark Amber |
Hello...due to certain dealers finding some cels that I have been waiting for some time, I need to sell a few of my cels that I have at e-bay. There are no reserves on anything. Series include: Marmalade Boy St. Tail Cyber Formula Minky Momo Gal Force I'll be putting a few more things up on my normal Web Site and maybe a Yuu...though it would have to be ripped from my hands most likely. However, that will be a few days. Also a special note...If you are trying to reach by e-mail and I haven't responded please e-mail again. I Don't know what happened by Yann's basket system totally trashed my netscape and I had to delete everything including my mail to get going again. And Yann...if you see something funny left from me...I'm system crashed. Thanks... Cathy/Dark Amber |
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