Cels Forum

Pencil Sketch stuck and torn...suggestions? (Tue Mar 9 22:01:53 1999 )

I'm mostly a lurker here ^_^;;.  Today I received my Last 
Unicorn cel, and I absolutely LOVE it...except that the 
pencil sketch is stuck to the cel :<.  Normally this 
wouldn't bother me at all, but somebody tried to remove 
the pencil sketch and stopped halfway when they realized 
it was too attached.  So the cel adhered itself to the 
top half of the paper as it was pulled along, and now I 
have rip lines between her chin and her neck and her 
rearing front hooves.  The perfectionist in me REALLY 
wants to get them out of there somehow (my brother just came
in and asked if she was drooling 0_o!).  The cel is 
attached to the back of the pencil sketch, _and_ that's 
been turned around, so it wouldn't interfere with the 
drawn part of the pencil sketch.  But should I try to mess 
with it at all?  I wouldn't ever want to damage the cel, 
and I THINK I could continue with what the previous person 
did and remove it from the pencil sketch while keeping a 
protective half-layer of paper so that the paint doesn't 
chip, and then carefully rip away the extra pieces of 
paper.  But I'm also very afraid to make it worse!

I would appreciate any advice any of you can give me...and 
kudos if you were able to follow this *G*.  

Thanks in advance,


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