Cels Forum

Re: Still plenty of backgrounds to choose from... (Thu Oct 21 19:41:16 1999 )
dark Amber

I would have gotten some of your backgrounds if I wasn't so 
broke now!  I hope I'm not the only one feeling so depressed
seeing all these nice new cels up and not having the extra
money to buy what you want without selling what you have
and having no desire to sell what you have.

Anyways, to whoever bought Bkg 001 and bkg 004, I would give 95%
odds that these are from Chuuka Ichaban!.  Chinese cooking is the 

One of my cels from this series has a background that is
almost identical to bkg 004.

I would have bought them to match with my Chuuka cels that don't
have backgrounds, but no extra money right now...sigh.

Well, hope that helps who bought them.  

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